Day: 12 February 2021

Emigrate, Yesterday and Today: a docu-film by Alessia Bottone

[GTranslate]VERONA – What was Dad looking at, from the window? What was he thinking about? Perhaps to his Naples left many years earlier for the “deep” North? To answer these (and many other) questions, the young Italian director, screenwriter, and journalist from Verona Alessia Bottone (in the pic below) – with several short films, books, […]  Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>

The fight against Covid-19 and the burnout battle

[GTranslate]TORONTO – For most people, Covid-fatigue is real. Following months of pandemic precautions including staying home and distancing oneself from essential supportive networks, there is an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion and eagerness to return to normalcy. However, chronic fatigue is the new reality for numerous healthcare professionals on the frontlines.  Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>