Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of September 8, 2021, at 5:00pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in Mexico logged 15,784 new infections. Of the cumulative 3.4 million confirmed positive cases, 81.1% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 1,071, bringing the total number of fatalities to 264,541.

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Honoré-Mercier, sfida nella roccaforte liberale

TORONTO – Il distretto elettorale di Honoré-Mercier in Quebec sembra pronto per un’altra vittoria liberale. Precedentemente noto come Anjou-Rivière-des-Prairies, si trova ad est delle circoscrizioni di Bourassa e Saint-Léonard – Saint-Michel e comprende parti della città di Montréal. Per la sesta volta, Pablo Rodriguez, attuale deputato, sta cercando la rielezione per i liberali. Ha rappresentato il collegio elettorale dal 2004, con l’eccezione tra il 2011 e il 2015 quando l’”onda arancione” ha premiato Paulina Ayala per l’NDP e ha servito solo un mandato… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Bernier, la grande incognita di queste elezioni

TORONTO – Un’incognita, indecifrabile e imprevedibile, pesa su queste elezioni federali. A undici giorni dall’appuntamento alle urne, con i sondaggi che confermano il vantaggio del Partito Conservatore sui liberali di Justin Trudeau, la presenza del People’s Party minaccia di scardinare gli equilibri e i rapporti di forza tra le forze politiche in corsa per il voto del 20 settembre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Everyone at school tomorrow, but it’s a leap in the dark

TORONTO – The long-awaited day, that of returning to school after months and months, has also arrived for the students of the Toronto administrations, both public and Catholic. And it could be a good day, were it not for the thousand unknowns that loom also due to the delays in the reorganization of schools, necessary with the pandemic still underway. These first two days, then – tomorrow and Friday, then all at home again for the weekend – will be nothing more than a kind of “rehearsal” of what will happen during the school year. Impossible to predict, however, what will happen.  Continue reading

Bernier, the great unknown of these elections

TORONTO – An unknown, indecipherable, and unpredictable factor on this federal election. Twelve days before the polls, with polls confirming the Conservative party’s lead over Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, the presence of the People’s Party threatens to upset the balance and balance of power between the political forces running for the September 20 vote. For now we do not talk about it, or rather we talk about it little. The movement founded and led by Maxime Bernier at the baptism of fire in the 2019 elections did not do very well: just 294 thousand votes throughout the country, equal to 1.6 percent, no elected deputies and the same leader beaten in his electoral district of Beauce by former party comrade Richard Lehoux. Continue reading