Mary Simon, prima governatrice Inuk: “Insieme costruiremo una società più giusta”

OTTAWA – Senate Chamber: un’anziana Inuk accende il qulliq, la tradizionale lampada Inuit che rappresenta la luce e il calore della famiglia e della comunità. E l’aborigena Mary Simon, 73 anni, “accompagnata” in Senato dal ritmo di un gruppo di percussionisti Inuit, dopo aver percorso il tappeto rosso fra gli applausi pronuncia le sue prime parole: “Sono onorata, onorata e pronta a essere il primo governatore generale indigeno del Canada”. È stata una cerimonia particolare quella che ha visto, ieri, l’investitura ufficiale della Simon come… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

ফকির আলমগীর আর নেই

(Shomporko সম্পর্ক) দেশের বিভিন্ন গণআন্দোলনে উচ্চকিত ছিল তার কণ্ঠ। অবশেষে থেমে গেল সেই কণ্ঠ। করোনা কেড়ে নিলো গণসংগীতশিল্পী, স্বাধীন বাংলা বেতার কেন্দ্রের শব্দসৈনিক, বাঁশীবাদক ফকির আলমগীর। মৃত্যুকালে তার বয়স হয়েছিলো ৭১ বছর।

শুক্রবার (২৩ জুলাই) রাতে তিনি শেষ নিঃশ্বাস ত্যাগ করেন (ইন্না লিল্লাহি ওয়া ইন্না ইলাইহি রাজিউন)। তার মৃত্যুর খবর নিশ্চিত করেছেন ছেলে মাশুক আলমগীর রাজীব। তিনি স্ত্রী, তিন ছেলে রেখে গেছেন… Read More in Shomporko >>> 

“Henry Dundas? A historical figure to be placed in the context he lived”

TORONTO – A Corriere Canadese’s reader, Robert Nelly, wrote a letter in which he defends the name “Dundas” of many historical places in Toronto. “I have been a Toronto citizen all my life – he explains – and I like concerts in Dundas Square, I walk around Dundas Street and travel using Dundas station”. CNMNG anticipates the contents of the letter that will be published tomorrow in Corriere Canadese’s newspaper and on line edition. Here is his letter. Continue reading

5 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine are arriving in Canada  this week

TORONTO – After the brief stalemate of recent months, vaccines now continue to flow continuously. This week Canada will receive about 5 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine. Five million that will bring the total number of doses received to 68 million, enough to administer two doses to all 33.2 million Canadians aged 12 years and over. Children under the age of 12 will have to wait for the completion of tests in this age group before they can be immunized. Continue reading

Mary Simon, first governor Inuk: “Together we will build a fairer society”

OTTAWA – Senate Chamber: an elder Inuk lights the qulliq, the traditional Inuit lamp that represents the light and warmth of family and community. And the Aboriginal Mary Simon, 73, “accompanied” in the Senate by the rhythm of a group of Inuit percussionists, after walking the red carpet to the applause, pronounces her first words: “I am honored, honored and ready to be the Canada’s first indigenous Governor-General”. Continue reading

Bitcoin Mahirap Intindihin 

Noon Bieyernes 25 nang Hunio 2021 ang pagunahin balita na umuugong sa Google ay Kryptokuransy (1) Ethereum, Dogecoin, BNB, XRP, (2)- maga pagalan parang planeta, diretsong galing sa siansiya pangisip-na nag dudulot nang kaguluhan o pag kasindak. Sa lahat nang ito ay ang Bitcoin. Kunting pagka takataka? Ang 52-lingo taas nang Bitcoin dating $64,863. Noon 9:06 Bieryernes nang umaga nang 25 nang Junio 2021 ito ay bumagsak pag baba nang $33,100.54. Maga experto sa prohekto sinabi na ang bagay na ito ay lalong lalala. Continue reading

Bitcoin is a Bit Hard to Understand 

On Friday, June 25, 2021, the number one news trending in Google was cryptocurrency.  Ethereum, Dogecoin, BNB, XRP – sounding like names of planets, straight out of science fiction – were causing quite a stir, if not panic.  At the centre of it all was Bitcoin. Bitcurious? The 52-week high of Bitcoin had been $64,863.  At 9:06 am on Friday, June 25, 2021, it plummeted down to $33,100.54.  Experts project that things are going get worse. Continue reading

Sei dosi di vaccino non bastano per il Green Pass: “Farò causa al Ministero”

MASSA CARRARA – Tutti vogliono il Green Pass ma non tutti vogliono vaccinarsi. Poi c’è chi di dosi di vaccino ne ha avute più di due ma il Green Pass non riesce proprio ad averlo. Si può definire ai limiti della realtà il caso di Virginia G., la ragazza massese di 23 anni, studentessa magistrale in Psicologia a Pisa, alla quale per errore furono iniettate sei dosi di vaccino anti-Covid Pfizer, il 9 maggio scorso all’ospedale Noa di Massa (il numero delle dosi iniettate venne poi rettificato da quattro a sei dall’Asl di Massa Carrara)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>