Childhood immunization rates against preventable diseases in decline

In the race to vaccinate the masses against Covid-19 and bring an end to the pandemic, a troubling concern emerges. Millions of children are falling behind on routine childhood vaccinations.

Covid-19 has disrupted several aspects of our lives, from social to economic and most significantly our health. The World Health Organization (WHO) reveals some alarming data following previous warnings that the pandemic would negatively impact basic vaccinations among children.

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এশিয়ায় দেনা পরিশোধের ঝুঁকিতে রয়েছে শ্রীলংকা

গত সপ্তাহে ব্লুমবার্গের এক প্রতিবেদনে জানা গেছে যে, এশিয়া-প্যাসিফিক অঞ্চলে শ্রীলঙ্কা সর্বাধিক দেনার কবলে নিমজ্জিত, যা পাপুয়া নিউগিনি, কাজাকিস্তান, মঙ্গোলিয়া, পাকিস্তান, মালয়েশিয়া ও ইন্দোনেশিয়ার অবস্থানকে অতিক্রম করবে।  Continue reading

Mississauga fra le Top7 Comunità Intelligenti

TORONTO – Le città sono i motori della crescita economica. In una società moderna, la tecnologia svolge un ruolo chiave nel far funzionare le città in modo migliore, più veloce e più intelligente. Strumenti come connessioni di rete, computer, sensori e telecamere possono aiutare le comunità a utilizzare i dati integrati per prendere decisioni più sagge. Una “Smart City” digitale è… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Foto di Priscilla Pajdo

In Ontario 177 nuovi contagiati e 6 decessi, a Toronto 22 neopositivi

TORONTO – Il Canada si è attestato ieri a quota 1.423.141 positivi, con un aumento di 223 contagi in più rispetto alle 24 ore precedenti. Le vittime – su scala nazionale – hanno raggiunto ieri quota 26.499 decessi complessivi, 7 in più rispetto alla giornata di sabato. In Canada erano ieri 1.391.948 in totale le persone guarite dal coronavirus. Nel frattempo, l’Ontario raggiungeva ieri quota… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of July 18, 2021, at 5:00pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in Bangladesh logged 11,578 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 1.1 million. Of the cumulative total, 84.4% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 225, bringing the total fatalities to 17,894.

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Today in Ontario 177 new infected and 6 new deaths

TORONTO – July 18, 2021: Canada stood today at 1,423,141 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 223 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – today reached 26,499 total deaths, 7 more than Saturday. In Canada today the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 1,391,948. Ontario today reached 548,217 overall positives, an increase of 177 new cases compared to Saturday. The total number of victims in Ontario has meanwhile increased to 9,294, with 6 more deaths than the previous day. The number of recovered people in the province rose to 537,545 or 166 more than the previous 24 hours. There are 144,798 cases so far registered in Ontario of the English variant of Covid, 1,466 of the South African variant, 4,955 of the Brazilian variant and 3,318 of the Indian variant. Continue reading