In Ontario 153 nuovi contagiati e 7 decessi, ricoveri ai minimi

TORONTO – Il Canada si è attestato ieri a quota 1.421.726 positivi, con un aumento di 372 contagi in più rispetto alle 24 ore precedenti. Le vittime – su scala nazionale – hanno raggiunto ieri quota 26.457 decessi complessivi, 10 in più rispetto alla giornata di martedì. In Canada erano ieri 1.390.378 in totale le persone guarite dal coronavirus. Nel frattempo, l’OntarioRead More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

In Italia 2.153 nuovi casi e 23 ulteriori decessi

ROMA – Ancora in aumento la curva pandemica di Covid-19 in Italia, soprattutto a causa della variante Delta o indiana. I nuovi casi sono stati ieri 2.153, mai così tanti dal 6 giugno scorso, contro i 1.534 di martedì: in una settimana, i casi sono più che raddoppiati. Effettuati 210.599 tamponi, su tutto il territorio nazionale, con il tasso di positività in crescita all’1%. I nuovi decessi sono stati 23, per un totale di 127.831 vittime dall’inizio della pandemia… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of July 14, 2021, at 5:00pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in Mexico logged more than 11,000 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 2.6 million. Of the cumulative total, 78.9% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 219, bringing total number of fatalities to 235,277.

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Today in Ontario 153 new infected and 7 new deaths

TORONTO – July 14, 2021: Canada stood today at 1,421,726 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 372 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – today reached 26,457 total deaths, 10 more than Tuesday. In Canada today the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 1,390,378. Ontario today reached 547,562 overall positives, an increase of 153 new cases compared to Tuesday. Continue reading

Nursing homes, from Friday no tests for asymptomatic immunized

TORONTO – With phase 3 in Ontario will also come a relaxation of restrictions in long-term care homes in the province. From Friday, in fact, the Covid test that is performed at the entrance of LTC homes will no longer be a requirement for staff, health workers and visitors completely immunized and asymptomatic. The decision was made by the government in consultation with Dr Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health, and is based on the latest scientific evidence and expert advice. Continue reading

“Province needs to create a COVID-19 vaccination passport”

TORONTO – Vaccination passport yes, vaccination passport no. The controversy, stimulated also since it is happening overseas on the vaccination obligation, has suddenly broken out even here in Canada, with the various levels of government that are not able to express a common position on a burning issue, destined to accompany us throughout the summer. But let us put our own house in order. Continue reading

“Sanità italiana gratuita anche per i concittadini residenti all’estero”

ROMA, 14 luglio 2021 – “Estendere tutte le prestazioni sanitarie per malattia, infortunio e maternità, erogate a titolo gratuito dal Sistema Sanitario Nazionale, ai cittadini italiani residenti all’estero ed iscritti all’AIRE”: la richiesta, presentata dall’onorevole Fucsia Fitzgerald Nissoli (deputata di Forza Italia eletta in Nord e Centro America), è stata accolta dal Governo guidato da Mario Draghi. Continue reading