In Italia 888 nuovi casi e 13 ulteriori decessi

ROMA – Sono stati 888 i contagi da coronavirus registrati ieri, in Italia, e 13 i morti. Eseguiti 73.571 tamponi, su tutto il territorio nazionale, con un tasso di positività all’1,2%. Un totale di 4.103.949 persone hanno sino ad ora contratto il Covid-19, nella Penisola. In lieve aumento i ricoveri ospedalieri ordinari, ossia 15 in più che fanno salire il computo totale a 1.149. Sono invece 158 le persone tuttora ricoverate in terapia intensiva… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of July 12, 2021, at 5:00pm EST.

On Monday, health officials in Bangladesh logged over 13,000 new infections, the highest single day increase since the onset of the pandemic. Of the cumulative total of confirmed positive cases, 85.2% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 220, the second deadliest day of the pandemic. On Sunday, the country recorded as many as 230 Covid-related deaths. Continue reading

Today in Ontario 114 new infected and no new deaths

TORONTO – July 12, 2021: Canada stood today at 1,420,895 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 384 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – today reached 26,438 total deaths, 3 more than Sunday. In Canada today the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 1,389,249. Ontario today reached 547,263 overall positives, an increase of 114 new cases compared to Sunday, the lowest number of new positives since last September 1. The total number of victims in In Ontario 114 new infected and no new deaths has meanwhile remained to 9,251, with no more deaths than the previous day. The number of recovered people in the province rose to 536,402 or 96 more than the previous 24 hours. Continue reading

60% of Toronto adults fully vaccinated

TORONTO – Ontario’s Covid-19 immunization campaign continues unabated. While the provincial government has decided to bring forward phase 3 of its roadmap on reopenings, with the relaxation of numerous restrictions starting from Friday, at the local level the municipal administrations have decided to change strategy to reach more and more people in this fight against time: if in recent weeks the focus was on neighborhoods where the incidence of the Delta variant was greater , starting today, more doses of vaccine will be sent to areas where the vaccination rate is lowest. Continue reading

Toronto, aprono altre “cliniche pop-up”

TORONTO – In Ontario continuano ad arrivare consistenti scorte di vaccini anti-Covid-19. Durante questo mese dal governo federale arriverà complessivamente una fornitura di cinque milioni di dosi di vaccino. Questa settimana perverranno 558.090 dosi di Pfizer, nella settimana del 19 luglio, sempre di Pfizer, giungeranno 1.208.610 dosi ed infine dal 26 luglio di dosi di Pfizer ne saranno consegnate 1.428.570… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Roadmap riaperture: Ontario in fase 3 a partire da venerdì

TORONTO – Via libera alla fase 3 anticipata. Il governo provinciale ha deciso di accelerare sul fronte dell’allentamento delle restrizioni, spostando la data prevista dal 21 luglio a venerdì prossimo. L’esecutivo ha quindi ceduto alle pressioni di molti sindaci che chiedevano di anticipare la fase 3 delle riaperture, alla luce di tutti i dati epidemiologici registrati in Ontario e, allo stesso tempo, tenendo conto dei progressi significativi fatti nelle ultime settimane nella campagna di vaccinazione di massa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>