TORONTO – Some Canadian provinces are more “loved” than others by immigrants to Canada: it emerges from a new report by Statistics Canada, entitled “Provincial variation in the retention rates of immigrants, 2022”, which compared the percentages of immigrants present in the provinces one and five years after admission to Canada. The years examined are 2012 and 2016. →
TORONTO – Ormai è una barzelletta. Da una parte, il governo federale che da mesi spinge per convincere le grandi catene di distribuzione alimentare ad adottare un “codice di condotta” per regolamentare i prezzi, minacciandole di “provvedimenti penalizzanti”. Dall’altra parte, le stesse catene alimentari che, a turno, dichiarano: “Io il codice di condotta lo adotterei volentieri, ma devono adottarlo anche tutte le altre compagnie, altrimenti non se ne fa nulla”: E, naturalmente, l’iniziativa non decolla…
TORONTO – It’s a joke. On the one hand, the federal government has been pushing for months to convince large food distribution companies to adopt a “code of conduct” to regulate prices, threatening them with “penalizing measures”. On the other hand, the same food companies, in turn, declare: “I would gladly adopt the code of conduct, but all the other companies must also adopt it, otherwise nothing will be done”. And, of course, nothing changes. And prices continue to rise. →
OTTAWA – Gli Ndippini “si contano”: sembra questo l’obiettivo dell’iniziativa di Jagmeet Singh, il leader dell’NDP, che ha inviato a tutti gli iscritti una e-mail nella quale chiede il sostegno per una sorta di “ultimatum” da dare al primo ministro Justin Trudeau: pharmacare (cioè farmaci gratuiti) entro il 1° marzo o tutti a casa…
OTTAWA – NDP tries to stand up and to be counted: this seems to be the goal of the initiative by Jagmeet Singh, leader of the NDP, who sent all members an e-mail asking for support on a sort of “ultimatum” to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: pharmacare by March 1st or everyone at home. Technical evidence of a crisis, in short, with Singh who, despite attacking Trudeau on a daily basis, continues to keep the Liberal minority government alive with the votes of the NDP, keeping his feet in two shoes: majority and opposition. →