TORONTO – York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) appears on track to claim the prize as the publicly funded [Catholic] institution most confused about its role in the development of our society. There are other contenders… but…
TORONTO – From a geographic and historical perspective, it is an almost natural development of a history bestowing Monteleone a reputation as a meeting place of peoples (races), civilizations, cultures gifting it with immense potential.
TORONTO – Impenitente, sprezzante e noncurante. Non c’è modo migliore per descrivere il contenuto della lettera del [fiduciario] Theresa McNicol (nella foto sopra), al York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) dopo che questo l’ha censurata e applicato sanzioni per quello che considerava un comportamento discriminatorio e non degno per un fiduciario, e bersagliando i suoi colleghi di discendenza italiana…
TORONTO – Unrepentant, scornful and dismissive. There is no better way to describe the contents of [trustee] Theresa McNicol’s letter to the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) after it censured her and applied penalties for what it considered discriminatory behaviour and demeanour unbecoming of a trustee and hurtful to her colleagues of Italian descendancy.