TORONTO – Gasoline prices are skyrocketing. The price increases for fuels do not stop, on the contrary they reach new records. Today pump prices reached a record $214.9 per liter in GTA and most of southern Ontario. And the day before, Saturday, they had touched $2.11 per liter. An unstoppable race to the top that infuriates powerless motorists in the face of the increases that are now almost the order of the day.
TORONTO – Nel mese di marzo a Toronto è stato registrato un leggero calo nel prezzo medio di vendita delle case. Si tratta di un elemento in controtendenza rispetto al trend, poiché stando ai dati del Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB), in generale il mercato si scalda con l’avvicinarsi della primavera…
TORONTO – In March, Toronto saw a slight decline in the average selling price of homes. This is an element in contrast to the trend, since according to data from the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB), in general the market warms up as spring approaches.
TORONTO – As the price of gasoline continues to rise to levels never seen before, public transport agencies are experiencing a considerable increase in passengers.
TORONTO – Bad news for Canadians. Gasoline prices are skyrocketing and reach levels never seen before in the country. These are increases that heavily affect citizens, already weakened by the pandemic crisis, which has inevitably become an economic crisis.