He is gone!
TORONTO – I do not engage in the habit of heaping scorn on people who no longer are part of our lives, no matter how strong the temptation might be for some. Two issues regarding “the announcement to vacate the leadership of the Party and the Government nonetheless attract some legitimate reflection.
Trudeau resignation, the oppositions unanimously: “The real ruin is the Liberals”. And Trump insists: “Canada 51st State”
OTTAWA – What will change after Justin Trudeau’s step back? Nothing, according to Conservative opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, at least as long as the Liberals govern, because “every Liberal MP in power today and every potential Liberal leadership contender fighting for the top job helped Justin Trudeau break the country over the last 9 years”. Continue reading→
Capturing the Magic of Calabria, Basileia
TORONTO – Well before those patrilineal Romans introduced themselves to the neighbourhood, ancient Italic tribes – in what is now Calabria – like the Bruttii and the Oenotrians were rubbing elbows with the inventive and erudite Greeks. Sometimes referred to as the “toe of the Italian boot”, Calabria’s history [in some ways] carries more in its pinky toe than others do in their hallux. It was a ten year home away from home for Pythagoras and his brotherhood of mathematics. And during the Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome, Calabria was the wedge between two burgeoning super powers in the ancient world.
Trudeau resigns as Liberal leader, will remain prime minister pro tempore
TORONTO – The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, during a press conference organized this morning (in the pic above), announced his resignation as leader of the Liberal Party and at the same time his stepping back from the leadership of the executive once the grit have been able to equip themselves with new leadership. In essence, he will remain prime minister pro tempore, in conjunction with the activation of the prorogation that ends the parliamentary session until March 24. By that date – but in this case there is no confirmation – the Liberals will have to elect a new leader who will automatically become prime minister. At this point the ball is in the Party’s court, which will have to produce a road map within a short time to arrive at the election of the new leader.
CORRIERE CANADESE / Ancora pressing su Justin Trudeau, per Carney prove di leadership
TORONTO – Continua il pressing interno al Partito Liberale per le dimissioni di Justin Trudeau. Nel fine settimana altri deputati liberali hanno ufficializzato la loro richiesta al primo ministro, andando ad aggiungersi a quanto già fatto dai parlamentari grit eletti in Ontario, Quebec e Province Atlantiche. Ultimo, in ordine di tempo, Ben Carr, primo deputato del Manitoba ad aver annunciato la sua opposizione al leader in carica, chiedendo il passo indietro e l’avvio di una corsa alla leadership per la sua sostituzione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
CORRIERE CANADESE / Sponsorizzazione genitori e nonni, arriva l’alt alle domande
TORONTO – Il Canada non accetterà nuove domande di sponsorizzazione per la residenza permanente di genitori e nonni fino a nuovo avviso. È quanto stabilisce una direttiva ministeriale. Lo stop rientra nel quadro della decisione del governo di porre un freno all’aumento sfrenato della popolazione canadese… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
CORRIERE CANADESE / Previsioni sulle tattiche politiche nel 2025
- Justin Trudeau prorogherà il Parlamento, poi comunicherà al proprio partito le sue dimissioni da leader, con effetto dal giorno successivo a qualsiasi processo emergente possa produrre un sostituto. Nonostante il pio desiderio di coloro che affermano il contrario, il Parlamento non ha alcuna autorità sui parametri strutturali delle singole organizzazioni politiche… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
Siamo ancora in piena pandemia (Covid 19)
TORONTO – In questo inizio del 2025, il Canada sembra essere in subbuglio tra l’impennata dei prezzi dei prodotti alimentari, il numero dei senzatetto e l’instabilità politica.
Tuloy (Kobid 19) pandemia
TORONTO – Kanada ay parang nasa kaguluhan pag pasok nang taon 2025 sa sobrang taas nang presio nang pagkain, sa daming tao walang matuluyan bahay at sa politikang walang kasiguruhan. Ang Liberatong gibierno na nagpapatabo ay naging pinaka mababa sa pulister dahil sa hindi pag kakasundo sa pamamalakad at pagka walang tiwala.
We are still on (Covid 19) pandemic
TORONTO – Canada appears to be in turmoil as she entered 2025, with soaring food prices, homelessness and political instability. The Liberal Party is at its lowest in the polls. It seems to me that the whole world has been shaken and has turned upside down from the government sector to the private one, it looks like a lot has changed. The status quo that we are so familiar with as a routine has totally turned 180 degrees in a manner of speaking. It’s so hard to be negative when you are so accustomed to positive reporting. When you see a lot of negative things you are compelled to say it as it is.