Month: February 2021

Governo Draghi,
ecco chi sono i ministri

ROMA – Otto tecnici e quindici politici con alcune riconferme: il Governo Draghi è pronto. Il premier incaricato è salito al Colle per sciogliere la riserva e sottoporre la lista dei ministri al presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, che l’ha approvata, firmando i decreti di nomina: il giuramento è previsto per sabato 13 febbraio alle ore 12.. Quindici, dunque, i ministri politici: 4 del M5S, 3 di FI, 3 del Pd, 3 della Lega, 1 per Italia Viva e 1 per Leu. Ma vediamo chi fa parte della squadra di governo.

Draghi, the program
of the future government

[GTranslate]ROME – Draghi Government: which program? Among the key-points of the future executive, in the first place there is obviously the pandemic, against which the vaccination campaign is expected to revive the economy: restarting work and protecting the people who will not have it. Another point, the school, for which it is foreseen the extension of the school calendar and the strengthening of the teaching staff. Finally, the opening of construction sites, infrastructures and three major reforms: public administration, civil justice and taxation. The ongoing consultations with the parties focus on these issues. Will there be a good summary for everyone?


An italian millennial tree
among the candidates of Epa award

[GTranslate]What is the tree of the year? Not just the most beautiful, but the one with an important story? This will be decided by the people of the internet through an online vote open until 28 February on the site as part of the competition organized by the Environmental Partnership Association (Epa), a grouping of six foundations from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia that support projects aimed at protecting the environment and activating local communities.

Censorship through “Wordsmithing” and turning grammar on its head

[GTranslate]The Federation of Law Societies in Canada’ Annual Report (2017) indicated 127,707 licensed lawyers in the country, 82% of them, 104,497, still classified as “active”.

When combined with approximately 37,000 paralegals (Census 2006), that represents a ratio of one “legal expert” for every 218 Canadians. Their services keep societies “civil” and the marketplace “free”.

But what happens when lawyers seek to silence, repress contrary opinion to favour their client and the Courts allow it to take place, direct – in layman’s terms, order – certain usage of vocabulary/pronouns in a Court environment?

Governo Draghi, i punti-chiave
del programma

ROMA – Governo Draghi: qual è il programma? Fra i punti-chiave del futuro esecutivo, al primo posto c’è ovviamente la  pandemia, contro la quale si prevede il potenziamento della campagna vaccinale per risollevare l’economia: far ripartire il lavoro e tutelare le persone che non lo avranno. Altro punto, la scuola, per la quale si prevede l’allungamento del calendario scolastico e il potenziamento del corpo docenti. Infine, apertura dei cantieri, infrastrutture e tre grandi riforme: pubblica amministrazione, giustizia civile e fisco. Le consultazioni in corso con i partiti vertono su questi temi. Si troverà una sintesi buona per tutti?