Day: 3 March 2021

La ricetta del giorno: Risotto al radicchio

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
– 350 g Riso Carnaroli
– 1 cespo Radicchio
– 100 g Pancetta affumicata
– 3 cucchiai Parmigiano reggiano
– 1 cipolla
– Brodo vegetale
– Vino bianco
– Olio extravergine d’oliva
– Sale

Preparazione: Sciacquate il radicchio e asciugatelo. Mettete un paio di cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva in una grande pentola con la cipolla tritata finemente e la pancetta o il guanciale a cubetti e fate rosolare fino a quando diventerà colorita. (more…)

Public attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccines around the world

[GTranslate]TORONTO – Given the importance of achieving high vaccine coverage to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19, the effectiveness to do so will depend on the number of people willing to get vaccinated. So far, the numbers do not seem overwhelming.

People’s attitudes towards vaccines vary based on a number of factors including their concerns, their values and their lifestyles. GWI (GlobalWebIndex), a company providing market research and insight to agencies around the world, collected research data from various countries to gauge public perception towards the Covid-19 vaccine. (more…)