Las tensiones en Bolivia no han cesado tras una semana del encarcelamiento de la expresidenta interina Jeanine Áñez, con marchas oficialistas que repudian el supuesto “golpe de Estado” de 2019 y un cabildo cívico que pide el cese de lo que se considera una “persecución política” contra opositores, por lo que el gobierno canadiense lanzó una advertencia de viaje. →
After a week of the imprisonment of former interim president Jeanine Áñez, the tension in Bolivia has not ceased with official marches that repudiate the alleged “coup d’etat” of 2019 and a civic council that calls for the cessation of what is considered “political persecution “against opponents, so the Canadian government issued a travel warning. →
March 23, 2021
Just weeks after voting against a plan to establish universal pharmacare, Liberal and Conservative Members of Parliament have once again joined forces. This time, they are opposing removing the greed from long-term care of our loved ones in Canada. →
[GTranslate]A boom of infections. Never before so many cases of Covid-19 in Ontario schools as yesterday: 409 cases of which 333 are students, 75 teachers and one is a non-teaching staff member. From 921 to 997 schools where there is currently an outbreak of the virus while schools closed rise from 44 to 48. →