[GTranslate]TORONTO – The provincial government announces the easing of some restrictions in many regions of Ontario, despite the progressive increase in Covid-19 infections. As had already happened during the last year during the pandemic, at certain stages there is a contradictory approach on the part of the executive in a delicate attempt to maintain a balance between health needs and those of the economy. →
I’m an Asian. Not the typical-looking Asian. I’m more Hispanic-looking, with medium brown eyes and a fair complexion, something I acquired from my Spanish fraternal ancestors. →
I am bilingual. I speak, write and comprehend English and Pilipino languages. →
[GTranslate]Herd immunity in Europe by mid-July and health passport ready in two to three months: this was announced by Thierry Breton, EU commissioner for the internal market and head of the vaccines task force. →
Immunità di gregge in Europa entro la metà di luglio e passaporto sanitario pronto in due-tre mesi: lo ha annunciato Thierry Breton, commissario Ue al mercato interno e capo della task force sui vaccini. →