Much has been written and said about that dark age. Now it is time to make a recount and balance of the last Argentine dictatorship from Canada. →
Se ha escrito y hablado mucho acerca de aquella época oscura. Ahora toca hacer un recuento y balance de la última dictadura de Argentina desde Canadá. →
[GTranslate]Over one year living through a global pandemic and life marches on for nearly 7.8 billion people worldwide. Governments around the world have adopted various infection prevention measures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. Thus far, more than 125 million cases have confirmed positive, roughly 1.6% of the global population. →
Air Canada will resume some routes to Jamaica, Mexico and Barbados in early May after Canadian airlines stopped all flights to solar destinations in January at the request of the federal government. However, Air Transat will not resume the flight until June. →
Un Airbus A220 de Air Canada prepara su despegue. Foto cortesía de Air Canada
Air Canada reanudará algunas rutas a Jamaica, México y Barbados a principios de mayo, luego de que las aerolíneas canadienses detuvieran todos los vuelos a destinos solares en enero a solicitud del gobierno federal. Sin embargo, Air Transat no retomará el vuelo sino hasta junio. →