[GTranslate]VATICAN CITY – Stop conflicts, stop wars: let’s think of the poorest and overcome the delays in the distribution of anti-Covid vaccines. This, in a nutshell, is the message of Pope Francis broadcast worldwide from St. Peter’s Basilica on the occasion of Easter. →
CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – Basta conflitti, stop alle guerre: pensiamo ai più poveri e superiamo i ritardi nella distribuzione dei vaccini anti-Covid. Questo, in estrema sintesi, il messaggio di Papa Francesco trasmesso in mondovisione dalla Basilica di San Pietro in occasione della Pasqua. →
Police tried to enforce restriction laws in the Covid-19 pandemic, but this was against the law as they did not have a court order. →
Calgary, Alberta: Policja weszła do Polskiego Kościoła Ewangelicznego w Calgary podczas nabożeństwa.
Policja próbowała egzekwować przepisy dotyczące ograniczeń w ramach pandemii Covid-19, co jednak było sprzeczne z prawem, gdyż nie posiadała nakazu sądowego. →