Die Regierung von Ontario hat eine Erklärung abgegeben, dass Vollzeit- und Teilzeitbeschäftigte, die aufgrund von Covid-19 eine Freistellung benötigen, bis zu drei Tage bezahlten Krankenurlaub erhalten können. →
The Ontario government has issued a statement that full-time and part-time workers who need time off due to Covid-19 will be able to get up to three days of paid sick leave. →
Rząd prowincji Ontario wydał oświadczenie, iż pracownicy pełnoetatowi jak i pracujący na pół etatu, którzy potrzebują wolnego z powodu Covid-19, będą mogli otrzymać do trzech dni płatnego chorobowego. →
Kanada postası, Mississauga’daki Gateway West tesisinde olan yeni bir Covid salgını nedeniyle tüm vardiyayı kapatma talimatı verdi. →
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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of April 29, 2021 at 5:15pm EST.
In Italy, Covid-19 cases surpass 4 million after health officials report more than 14,000 new infections in the last 24-hours. Today, the number of Covid-related deaths increased by 288, down from 344 the day before. Since the onset of the pandemic, Italy has registered 120,544 fatalities attributable to Covid-19, the second highest tally in all of Europe.