Month: April 2021

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of April 29, 2021 at 5:15pm EST.

In Italy, Covid-19 cases surpass 4 million after health officials report more than 14,000 new infections in the last 24-hours. Today, the number of Covid-related deaths increased by 288, down from 344 the day before. Since the onset of the pandemic, Italy has registered 120,544 fatalities attributable to Covid-19, the second highest tally in all of Europe.

In Ontario 3,871 new infected and 41 more deaths

TORONTO – April 29, 2021: Canada stood yesterday at 1,208,182 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 5,445 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – yesterday reached 24,166 total deaths, 64 more than on Wednesday. In Canada yesterday the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 1,100,983.

Solved the mystery of the provenance of the gray whale Wally: in a video the images of the specimen

The gray whale sighted in the Mediterranean is a “puppy” and was not born in the Atlantic but in the Pacific, from which it moved away, perhaps ending up getting lost. This is the latest hypothesis formulated by the researchers of the Tethys Institute, who, together with the Italian Coast Guard, were able to establish exactly the size of Wally: this is the name of the gray whale that has been moving in Italian waters for two weeks.

Risolto il mistero della provenienza della balena grigia Wally, in un video le immagini dell’esemplare

La balena grigia avvistata nel Mediterraneo è una “cucciola” e non è nata nell’Atlantico bensì nel Pacifico, dal quale si è allontanata finendo, forse, per perdersi. È l’ultima ipotesi formulata dai ricercatori dell’Istituto Tethys, che, assieme alla Guardia Costiera, sono riusciti a stabilire con esattezza le dimensioni di Wally: così è stata chiamata la balena grigia che da due settimane si sposta nelle acque italiane.