Day: 23 May 2021

Status of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of May 23, 2021 at 6:15pm EST.

On Sunday, Russian health officials logged 8,951 new infections. The country’s cumulative total of confirmed Covid-19 cases now top 5 million with 92.3% of all cases considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Russia reported 357 Covid-related deaths, bringing the total death toll to 118,482.

Note a margine: la “solitary beach” di un genio scomparso, Franco Battiato

Per la nostra rubrica musicale: “Summer on a solitary beach”, per ricordare un genio della musica italiana. Franco Battiato.

Di seguito, tutti i links delle precedenti “Note a margine”:

Gino Paoli, “Sapore di sale”

Gino Paoli, “Senza fine”

Matia Bazar, “Vacanze romane”

Tony Dallara, “Come prima”