The Canadian government reiterated its support for the lawsuit before the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro for human rights violations filed in 2018. Canada, as well as Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Argentina filed a complaint with the ICC “Numerous human rights violations committed by the Nicolás Maduro regime” and that “constitute crimes against humanity”. →
Magda Lama (foto de cortesía)
El gobierno de Doug Ford permitirá que Magda Lama y otros 549 trabajadores de la salud completamente vacunados acudan esta noche al Scotiabank Arena para apoyar a los Toronto Maple Leafs en su Juego 7 frente a los de Montreal. →
The Doug Ford administration will allow Magda Lama and 549 other fully vaccinated healthcare workers to come to Scotiabank Arena tonight to support the Toronto Maple Leafs in their Game 7 against Montreal. →
TORONTO – The provincial government tabled a motion at Queen’s Park certifying the handover between David Williams (in the pic) and Kieran Moore as Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. The changeover, as confirmed by Health Minister Christine Elliott, will take effect on 26 June. →
article by Priscilla Pajdo, video by Rosanna Colavecchia
TORONTO – In Nord America ospita la più grande rete di laghi d’acqua dolce del mondo. I Cinque Grandi Laghi: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie e Ontario contengono circa 5.400 miglia cubiche di acqua, circa il 20% della superficie d’acqua dolce del mondo. →