Day: 1 June 2021

Sebastiano Bazzichetto ile Venedik villalarının ve Dante’nin (yeniden) keşfine

article by Sebastiano Bazzichetto, translation and video by Betul Sarikaya

Bu Haziran İtalyanlar ve İtalyan-Kanada kültüruyle ilgilenenler, İtalyan-Kanada arasındkia sayısız inisiyatifle İtalyan Miras Ayıni kutluyorlar. Bunun vesilesiyle de okyanusun ote ucundaki unlu aktor Sebastiano Bazzichetto online serileri ile ekranlara geri donuyor.

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 1, 2021 at 6:00pm EST.

On Tuesday, health officials in Ontario logged 699 new infections. This marks lowest single-day increase since October 18, 2020 when the province reported 658 cases. With more than 532,000 total confirmed cases since the onset of the pandemic, 96.2% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 9 for a total of 8,766 fatalities.