Rząd podał do publicznej wiadomości, że podjął działania zmierzające do chronienia Kanadyjczyków przed mową nienawiści i przestępstwami powodowanymi nienawiścią. →
The government has made public that it has taken steps to protect Canadians from hate speech and hate crimes online and offline. →
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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 24, 2021 at 6:00pm EST.
On Thursday, health officials in the Russia logged 20.182 new infections, the highest single day increase in nearly five months. Of the cumulative 5.3 million confirmed positive cases, 91.2% are considered recovered. Since yesterday, Covid-related deaths increased by 586 bringing the country’s death toll to 131,463.
Ontario will move on to the next phase of its reopening plan on June 30, allowing most personal care services to restart and also allowing larger outdoor meetings of up to 25 people and smaller meetings indoors of up to five people. →