Month: June 2021

154-te Urodziny Kanady

Urodziny Kanady to nieformalna nazwa, którą określa się Canada Day. Pojęcie „urodzin” jest swego rodzaju uproszczeniem, gdyż Canada Day jest rocznicą tylko jednego narodowego kroku milowego na drodze do swojej pełnej niepodległości. Chodzi tutaj o połączenie kolonii Canada, Nova Scotia i New Brunswick dnia 1 lipca 1867 w szerszą brytyjską federację czterech prowincji, gdyż kolonia Canada została podzielona na prowincje Ontario i Quebec. Kanada stała się swoistym królestwem wewnątrz Imperium Brytyjskiego, powszechnie znana jako Dominium Kanady.

Canada’s 154th Birthday

Canada’s Birthday is an informal name that goes by Canada Day. The concept of “birthday” is a kind of simplification, as Canada Day is the anniversary of only one national milestone on the way to full independence. It is about joining the colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick on July 1, 1867, into a wider British federation of four provinces, as the Canada colony was divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Canada became a kind of kingdom within the British Empire, commonly known as the Dominion of Canada.

Virus and suspects: Rota challenges Trudeau about the scientists fired in Winnipeg

Article by Francesco Veronesi — Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff

Anthony Rota challenges Justin Trudeau. The battleground is the controversial story surrounding the firing of two virologists of Chinese origin from the National Microbiology Laboratory, a maximum-security laboratory in Winnipeg where lethal viruses such as Ebola are studied.

Holy Cross Catholic Academy é reconhecida como uma IB World School

Article by  Priscilla Pajdo — Translation and Video: Luis Aparicio

Há uma notícia empolgante para os intelectuais da região de York. A Holy Cross Catholic Academy (CA) é agora reconhecida como uma IB World School autorizada para o International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Programa de Diploma de Bacharelato Internacional).