As if we did not have enough on our plates looking over our shoulder for COVID-19, we now had to look up to the sky for a falling rocket. Chicken Little’s pleas of “The Sky is Falling!” – not so funny. The 100 foot Chinese rocket, claimed to pose no risk as it most likely would burn up in our atmosphere upon re-entry, begs to ask the question: Who is responsible for things that go awry in Space? More chilling, what would happen to humankind if we were to lose a vital satellite? →
A construção da tão esperada extensão do metro de Scarborough está finalmente em andamento, com o governo do Ontário a dar início formal ao projeto na quarta-feira (23 de junho), durante uma cerimónia oficial que contou com as presenças do premier Doug Ford, da ministra dos transportes Caroline Mulroney e do presidente da Câmara, John Tory. →
On June 23, the Ontario government released a report to guide the recovery of the province’s tourism industry. This comes one week ahead of Canada day, when the school year comes to an end and families embark on their summer vacation adventures.
Die Polizei meldete die Festnahme von zwei Teenagern, die verdächtigt wurden, eine Regenbogenfahne verbrannt zu haben, nachdem Anfang dieses Monats ein Video des Vorfalls in den sozialen Medien verbreitet worden war. →
The construction of the long-awaited Scarborough Subway Extension is finally underway as the Ontario government broke ground on the project Wednesday (June 23) during an official ceremony attended by premier Doug Ford, Transportation Minister Caroline Mulroney, and Mayor John Tory. →