Month: June 2021

Two teenagers were arrested for burning a rainbow flag in Mississauga

Police reported the arrest of two teenagers suspected of burning a rainbow flag after a video of the incident circulated on social media earlier this month. Investigators from the 12th Division Criminal Investigative Bureau, Region of Peel, completed an investigation that began after a video of a rainbow flag being burned on the ground by students at a school circulated on social media.

Ferri: “Vaticano, escolha construtiva” La Marca: “Não, é uma ingerência” Nissoli: “Eu confio no Draghi”

Article by  Marzio Pelù — Translation and Video: Luis Aparicio

O debate sobre o “choque” entre o Vaticano e o governo italiano sobre o projeto de lei Zan contra a homofobia está aceso também ao nível internacional, o que, segundo alguns partidos políticos, colocaria em risco a liberdade de expressão ao prever penas severas para opiniões que podem ser enquadradas como ofensas baseadas “no sexo, género, orientação sexual ou identidade de género”.

Constitutional challenges galore, Rocco Galati where are you?

Article by The Hon. Joe Volpe — Video: CNMNG Staff

TORONTO – A new religion – the sexualization of civic and human rights and obligations – appears to be clouding people’s judgement everywhere, eroding the concept of moderation and suffocating freedoms of thought and expression which are at the heart of democratic structures and contractual institutions.