Month: June 2021

Feeling stressed? Places to visit, cities to avoid

How is your level of stress lately? If you are looking to break away from the worry and anxiety of life’s troubles, perhaps a move to one of the least stressful cities in the world is in order.

If so, then head for Reykjavik, Iceland, considered the most stress-free city in the world, according to the 2021 Least and Most Stressful Cities Index released by VAAY, a Berlin-based company specializing in (cannabidiol) health products for inner balance and mindfulness. The Nordic city is among the best for clean air, gender equality, a great place to enjoy good health and live stress-free. (See Graph 1 above)

No Ontário, 216 novos infetados e 6 mortes

Article by Giorgio Mitolo — Translation and Video: Luis Aparicio

O Canadá atingiu ontem um total de 1 410 093 infetados (desde o início da pandemia), um aumento de mais 775 infeções em relação às últimas 24 horas. O número de vítimas – em todo o país – chegou ontem a um total de 26 157 mortes, mais 75 do que na segunda-feira. O número de pessoas recuperadas do coronavírus no Canadá era ontem de 1 373 485.