Month: June 2021

În Ontario, 209 de noi infectați și 6 decese

Article by Giorgio Mitolo — Translation and Video: Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – Canada a atins ieri un nivel de 1.414.594 persoane infectate, cu o creștere de 817 mai mult decât în ​​ultimele 24 de ore.

In Italia 679 nuovi casi e 42 ulteriori decessi

Article by Giorgio Mitolo — Video: Rosanna Colavecchia

ROMA – Sono 679 i nuovi contagi da Coronavirus in Italia secondo il bollettino di oggi, 29 giugno.

Reopening, Step 2 starts in Ontario tomorrow

We missed being able to dine outside, we missed coffee with friends, we missed the mall. But we also missed – and our uncultivated hairstyles bear witness to this – the hairdresser. From tomorrow, with Ontario entering Step 2, it will be possible to do all this and more. The long-awaited relaxation of some of the restrictions with reopening non-essential shops, albeit at 25% of capacity, bodes well after so many difficult months.