For the first time, the Vatican officially asks the Italian government to amend a bill, appealing to the Concordat, the “pact” that regulates relations between the Italian state and the Catholic Church. The bill in question is the one born on the initiative of the deputy Pd Alessandro Zan and which has been in the spotlight for months in Italy because, according to several political parties, it could jeopardize freedom of expression by providing severe penalties for opinions that can be classified as offenses based “on sex, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity “. →
TORONTO – Raul and Sean talk about Euro 2020: the matches, analysis, curiosities. Watch them!
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Per la prima volta, il Vaticano chiede ufficialmente al governo italiano di modificare un disegno di legge, appellandosi al Concordato, il “patto” che regola i rapporti tra lo Stato italiano e la Chiesa cattolica. Il ddl in questione è quello nato su iniziativa del deputato Pd Alessandro Zan e che è sotto i riflettori da mesi in Italia in quanto, secondo più parti politiche, metterebbe a rischio la libertà di espressione prevedendo pene severe per opinioni inquadrabili come offese fondate “sul sesso, sul genere, sull’orientamento sessuale o sull’identità di genere”. →
Article by The Hon. Joe Volpe — Video: CNMNG Staff
TORONTO – A month after the Prime Minister stood in the House to Apologize for the internment of Italian Canadians during World War II, somebody – the proverbial “they”– hiding under the cover of five private corporations in Canada, commissioned and published in the Globe and Mail, on June 18, a “Thank You Canada” advertisement. →