A partir deste domingo (20 de junho), a TTC vai numerar de novo duas rotas de autocarros, em antecipação à entrada em serviço das futuras linhas de transporte rápido, informa a empresa de transportes públicos de Toronto em comunicado à imprensa. A rota 5 Avenue Rd passa a ser conhecida como 13 Avenue Rd e a rota 6 Bay passa a 19 Bay. Estas mudanças estão a ser feitas em antecipação ao início do serviço da Linha 5 Eglinton (Eglinton Crosstown LRT) em 2022 e da Linha 6 Finch West (Finch West LRT) em 2023. →
As of this Sunday (June 20), the TTC is renumbering two bus routes in advance of future rapid transit lines entering service, informs the Toronto Transit Commission in a press release. The 5 Avenue Rd route will become 13 Avenue Rd and the 6 Bay route will become 19 Bay. These changes are being made in anticipation of Line 5 Eglinton (Eglinton Crosstown LRT) beginning service in 2022 and Line 6 Finch West (Finch West LRT) in 2023 (in the pic above, Keelesdale Station: photo credit LA). →
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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 19, 2021 at 5:15pm EST.
On Saturday, health officials in Ontario logged 355 new infections. Of the cumulative 541,880 confirmed positive cases, 97.6% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 13 pushing the province’s death toll passed 9,000.
Per la nostra rubrica musicale: “Io che amo solo te” di Sergio Endrigo, il cantautore rimasto nell’ombra.
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