Month: June 2021

Caso-Dhillon, il Tribunale si pronuncia a favore della Città di Brampton

BRAMPTON, – L’11 giugno la Superior Court of Justice, Divisional Court, dell’Ontario si è pronunciata a favore della Città di Brampton e del Commissario sull’integrità, con condanna al pagamento delle spese legali, nel caso Dhillon contro The Corporation of the City of Brampton in base alle conclusioni del Commissario per l’integrità in merito alle accuse di cattiva condotta mosse al Consigliere Dhillon e la decisione del Consiglio di accettare tali conclusioni.

“Giving a Campus a Face-lift for a Post-COVID-19 World”

There is a lot of construction going on at the University of Toronto St. George downtown campus.  There are fences around King’s College Circle; wooden boards protecting historic trees.  The earth is upturned; I could have sworn I saw a plough.  They are sowing the seeds for something better to come.  A condo, perhaps?  If the kids are all at home, then why are they rushing to give this campus a makeover?

বিশ্বের ছয় পরিবেশকর্মী পেলেন গোল্ডম্যান এনভায়রনমেন্টাল প্রাইজ ২০২১

টরন্টো, জুন ১৮: গোল্ডম্যান ইনভায়রোনমেন্টাল ফাউন্ডেশন মালাউয়ি, ভিয়েতনাম, বসনিয়া ও হারজেগোভিনা, জাপান, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র এবং পেরু থেকে বাছাইকৃত তৃণমূল পর্যায়ের ছয়জন পরিবেশকর্মীকে গোল্ডম্যান ইনভায়রোনমেন্টাল প্রাইজ ২০২১ সন্মানে ভূষিত করেছে। এতে এক ভার্চুয়াল অনুষ্ঠানে জেন ফন্ডার উপস্থাপনায় সঙ্গীত জগতের লেনি ক্রাভিটজ্্, বাবা মাল, নেডলভু ইয়ুথ কোয়ার ও সিগোরনে উইভার ছাড়াও উগান্ডার পরিবেশবাদী ভেনেসা নেকেট উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

Six Environmental Heroes receive Goldman Environmental Prize 2021

Toronto, June 18: The Goldman Environmental Foundation has announced six recipients of the 2021 Goldman Environmental Prize among grassroots environmental activists from Malawi, Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Japan, the United States and Peru. It has been announced in a virtual ceremony with featuring Jane Fonda as host, musical guests Lenny Kravitz, Baaba Maal, and the Ndlovu Youth Choir, with Sigourney Weaver and a special appearance from Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate.

Ontário acelera na segunda dose, mas o agendamento permanece um quebra-cabeças

Artlicle by Francesco Veronesi — Trnslation and vceo: Luis Aparcio

O Ontário acelera na vacinação. A partir da próxima quarta-feira, todos os residentes de outros três hotspots da variante Delta que já receberam a primeira dose da vacina antes de 30 de maio poderão agendar a segunda, como já estão fazendo – com grande dificuldade e incómodo, para falar a verdade – os residentes de Toronto e de seis outras áreas de alto risco: estas são Hamilton, Simcoe-Muskoka e Região de Durham.