Rząd Ontario zachęca rodziny, aby w najbliższy weekend skorzystały z możliwości wyjazdu na łono natury do jednego z ponad 100 parków w prowincji. Z okazji Dnia Ojca, który wypada w najbliższą niedzielę łowienie ryb będzie możliwe bezpłatnie i bez konieczności posiadania licencji. →
The Ontario government is encouraging families to take the opportunity to go out in nature to any of over 100 provincial parks this weekend. On the occasion of Father’s Day, which falls this Sunday, fishing will be possible free of charge and without the need of having a license. →
TORONTO – June 17, 2021: Canada stood today at 1,405,888 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 1,090 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – today reached 26,010 total deaths, 19 more than Wednesday. →
The controversy is becoming more and more heated. Last year, the Ontario premier Doug Ford pledged to make air conditioning mandatory in every nursing home, including residents’ rooms, but his government awarded construction contracts for new facilities that don’t include air conditioning systems throughout the building. →
TORONTO – Ontario is accelerating on the vaccination front. Starting next Wednesday, all residents of three other Delta variant hotspots who have already received the first dose of vaccine before May 30 will be able to book the second dose →