Day: 18 July 2021

Status of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of July 18, 2021, at 5:00pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in Bangladesh logged 11,578 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 1.1 million. Of the cumulative total, 84.4% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 225, bringing the total fatalities to 17,894.

Today in Ontario 177 new infected and 6 new deaths

TORONTO – July 18, 2021: Canada stood today at 1,423,141 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 223 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – today reached 26,499 total deaths, 7 more than Saturday. In Canada today the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 1,391,948. Ontario today reached 548,217 overall positives, an increase of 177 new cases compared to Saturday. The total number of victims in Ontario has meanwhile increased to 9,294, with 6 more deaths than the previous day. The number of recovered people in the province rose to 537,545 or 166 more than the previous 24 hours. There are 144,798 cases so far registered in Ontario of the English variant of Covid, 1,466 of the South African variant, 4,955 of the Brazilian variant and 3,318 of the Indian variant.

Delta variant, fear fourth wave

TORONTO – The pressure of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) and the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) is becoming more and more insistent. The two associations do not stop in front of the wall opposed by Prime Minister Doug Ford and ask that all health workers in the province be completely vaccinated against Covid-19.

Amine D1, le violoniste qui fait du hors-piste

(The Day Briefing / Kahina Boudjidj) J’ai choisi de ranger cet article dans la rubrique « Histoire de love » pour l’amour de la musique et, ici, pour celui du violon. Petit flashback avant de commencer. On est le 9 mai, je suis chez le fleuriste où j’achète des… fleurs. Violettes et blanches. Anaïs, la soeur et manager d’Amine, m’a invitée chez eux pour l’interview et je n’aime pas venir les mains vides. J’arrive et je me sens tout de suite comme à la maison, le fait que l’on ait deux amies en commun joue sûrement. Je rencontre leur maman, adorable, et on ne perd pas de temps. Amine arrive, l’interview commence et je vous invite à entrer dans la danse… Read More in The Day Briefing >>> 

Ottawa and Ontario: the two overlapping electoral campaigns

TORONTO – Parliaments closed, politics has certainly not gone on vacation. These days we are witnessing two election campaigns under trace, which overlap and share the same dynamic. At the federal level, the leaders of the main parties are struggling with tours that touch all parts of Canada. Officially, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has rejected the idea of early elections, yet the dynamics that have been created lead to a very specific direction: that of returning to the polls, perhaps in August or, at the latest, in the autumn.