TORONTO – July 28, 2021: “Is it an endless career? It’s a finished career.” Like this Aldo Montano he replies, smiling, to journalists after winning the silver medal in the men’s team saber in Tokyo 2020 which ends his long career. I think it is right to arrive here, I have waited a year longer than I had planned, I have suffered a lot because I have a lot of problems and pains. That’s okay. It was a really difficult and complicated year and I had to manage a serious problem and it is a joy to have arrived here, competitive and to have given my contribution. Take home this medal that I feel I have helped the boys to conquer it all. It was wonderful to end a career like this “, added the blue champion who closes with a medal on the day Federica Pellegrini competed for the last time in the Games in her 200 freestyle. →
TORONTO – Ontario Premier Ford promised it: the plan for the return to school will be presented at the beginning of next week. After all, the days pass faster and faster, the reopening of the new school year is now five weeks away but there is still not even a shadow of a return plan. →
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TORONTO – A young doctor from southern Ontario, very popular on social media, is publishing all the results of her research on vaccines online, to make them available to everyone. A huge and valuable work, which is providing useful data that everyone can access. →
TOKYO – Ci sono medaglie attese, ma che non arrivano. E medaglie inaspettate, che hanno un sapore speciale. Quella di Giorgia Bordignon (nella foto), argento olimpico nel sollevamento pesi, nella categoria sino ai 64kg, è certamente una di queste. L’atleta azzurra 34enne, alla sua seconda e probabilmente ultima Olimpiade, porta a casa…
TORONTO – Una dose di un vaccino, una di un altro: quando in assenza di alternative disponibili al momento del richiamo, sono state offerte iniezioni di vaccini diversi, molte persone hanno accettato. In fondo, la comunità scientifica, ha cercato di tranquillizzare tutti, i benefici sarebbero stati gli stessi. Poi, pian piano, …