Day: 18 August 2021

Week One in the Election Campaign, Confused Yet?

TORONTO – The election campaign has only just begun and there is trouble on the horizon. Some campaign organizations will have to “uncomplicate issues “, for themselves, as well as for the electorate. To begin, all the campaign teams seem to have accepted the old political philosophy that ‘all politics is local’. As crass as it may appear, the central theme for the voter is “talk to me after the cheque clears the bank”. 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of August 18, 2021, at 5:00pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in the UK logged 33,904 new infections, numbers not seen in nearly 4 weeks. Of the cumulative 6.3 million confirmed positive cases, 77.5% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 111, bringing the total number of fatalities to 131,260.

Back-to-school: TDSB is almost ready, TCDSB who knows

TORONTO – The guidelines outlined by Ontario to deal with Covid in the province’s public schools are not enough. Dissatisfied with the protocols, which will be implemented with the start of the new school year, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has decided to do it itself and has drawn up a series of guidelines. Everything is silent, however, as far as the Toronto Catholic District School Board is concerned: the return to school is still shrouded in mystery.

Nova Scotia and polls: negative signals for Justin Trudeau

TORONTO – Still negative signals for Justin Trudeau in this first week of campaigning. The outcome of the vote in Nova Scotia and the new Abacus poll highlight elements that the Liberal leader should not underestimate in view of the appointment at the polls on September 20th. In the Atlantic province, the Conservative Pogressive led by prime ministerial candidate Tim Houston won the local elections, winning an absolute majority in the provincial assembly, almost doubling the number of deputies. The Liberal Party, which under Stephen McNeil first and prime ministerial candidate Iain Rankin then led the province during the Covid-19 pandemic, suffered a completely unexpected blow, winning just 17 seats. 

A judge ‘saves’ Columbus in Philadelphia, the Ctim: “Let’s take example”


PHILADELPHIA – Statues are being demolished almost everywhere now (even in Afghanistan) but in some cases the law intervenes – where the law exists and is valid – to prevent it from happening. In fact, on Tuesday, a judge ruled that the statue of Christopher Columbus in Marconi Plaza in South Philadelphia must remain where it is, thus rejecting the decision of the City of Philadelphia to remove it. A decision Mayor Jim Kenney made to stop the continuing fighting around the statue of Columbus between opposing factions and to “find a way to allow Philadelphia to celebrate their heritage and culture, while respecting the stories and stories of others who come from different backgrounds “.