Day: 14 December 2021

Abandoning evidence-based decision making in education

Parents expect their children to be in a safe school learning environment. For more than 25 years, the School Resource Officer program (SRO)/School Liaison Officer program at the Halton Catholic School Board (HCDSB) has offered an opportunity to encourage a safe, orderly and welcoming environment for student well-being and achievement.

However, that program may cease to exist, even before essential data is collected and assessed to determine whether the program has fulfilled its mandate.

Nissoli: “Maeci e Pnrr, ok assunzioni 100 contrattisti, ma prioritario incremento fondo per adeguare retribuzioni”

ROMA  – “L’approvazione nell’ambito del decreto attuativo del PNRR dell’emendamento a mia prima firma relativo all’autorizzazione per l’assunzione di ulteriori 100 impiegati a contratto da impiegare nella rete estera del MAECI (il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale) anche per le finalità correlate al supporto all’export e all’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane e all’attuazione degli obiettivi del PNRR (il Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza) rappresenta un segnale determinante in questa stagione, in cui il MAECI era stato praticamente estromesso da qualsiasi iniziativa correlata al Piano Nazionale senza alcun tipo di ragione logica”: lo dichiara in una nota l’onorevole Fucsia Nissoli (nella foto), deputata di Forza Italia, eletta in Nord e Centro America.

Covid in Ontario, positivity almost doubled in seven days. More than 1.700 cases in Quebec

TORONTO – Over 1,400 new cases of Covid-19 and another 5 deaths related to the virus, today, in Ontario: the new infections are 1,429, down from 1,536 but up from 928 a week ago. With the increase in the number of cases in the last month, the seven-day moving average continues to rise and reaches 1,400 (a week ago it was 975): it is the highest average since last May 27 when it was 1,441. The positivity rate also reaches a maximum never seen in almost seven months: with 33,400 tests processed it is now at 6.6%, the highest since last May 18 when it was 7.6% (a week ago it was at 3.8 %: almost doubled in seven days).