Day: 16 January 2022

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of January 16, 2022, at 4:50 pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in the Philippines logged 37,154 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 3.2 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 89.4% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 50 Covid-related deaths for a total of 52,907 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

The tax for no vax continues to divide

TORONTO – The Quebec government’s decision to impose a tax on no vax continues to cause controversy. For now, no other province seems oriented to follow the same path as the executive led by Francois Legault. Too many problems of a legal nature – there are those who hypothesize the evident unconstitutionality of the measure – or of simple political gain: it is a highly divisive measure and no other prime minister has decided to risk. Yet, the debate over the appropriateness and feasibility of the measure goes on. 

Ontario and Quebec, over 300 deaths over the weekend

TORONTO – The attention of the world of science is now entirely focused on hospitalizations and deaths. Counting infections from Covid-19 has become impossible, both due to the consequences of the limitations on access to molecular tests (now reserved for the “risk” categories, at least in Canada), and due to the fact that the vast majority of cases are asymptomatic: the virus circulates and, fact, we no longer know where, how, when and how much.