TORONTO — Today, the Ontario government announced the ten members of the Premier’s Council on U.S. Trade and Industry Competitiveness. “The creation of this council comes at a critical time for the Ontario economy as certain players in the U.S. bang the drum of protectionism,” said Premier Doug Ford.
TORONTO – Over 1 million cases of Covid-19 and more than 11,000 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic: today Ontario crossed the two sad milestones, with another 37 deaths that bring the total to 11,004 and 4,790 new infections that increase the total count to 1,001,455. →
Advancements in medical research aim to help people live longer, healthier lives. The latest ground breaking procedures in using gene-modified pig organs transplanted into humans may offer some hope in the future to solving the issue of inadequate human organ supply.
With the largest vaccination campaign underway, the province has administered more than 30.1 million doses into the arms of Ontarians. According to data last updated on January 24, numbers released by the Ministry of Health show health officials administered 43,979 vaccine doses on Sunday, down from 79,025 doses the day prior.
TORONTO – Rompendo con la tradizione, l’Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) ha invertito la sua posizione e ha deciso di far sventolare la bandiera arcobaleno a giugno per celebrare il mese del Pride. L’HCDSB è un altro consiglio scolastico cattolico in Ontario a decidere di farlo dopo aver precedentemente votato contro questa eventualità…