TORONTO – Inflation runs. With the 6.8% increase recorded in April, more and more Canadians could be at risk of starvation. It is the alarm launched by many experts since – accounts in hand – the paycheck is not enough to ensure a dignified life. Food has reached stellar prices, there is a real risk of not being able to put food on the table.
TORONTO – Over the last three years, what has been happening to Ontario’s education system, and more specifically its Catholic component, is nothing short of a travesty. Yesterday it culminated in the undignified letter of resignation submitted by Principles Integrity, the Integrity Commissioner (IC), as the guardian of civility and probity at the TCDSB. They walked away from their “relationship” in a snit.
Etobicoke Centre electoral district is one of three ridings in Etobicoke. It is also the constituency with the largest concentration of Italians among all three districts. Statistics Canada says 17,565 constituents self-identify as Italian Canadian. That represents 15% of the district’s population and the largest ethnic group to originate from Europe. →
TORONTO – The number of hospitalized is decreasing: today there are 1,207 patients in hospital with Covid-19, of which 168 in intensive care. This marks a decrease in hospitalizations compared to 1,248 patients on Wednesday and 1,451 a week ago, while there are 3 more patients in intensive care than yesterday but 7 fewer than a week ago. 71 patients breathe with the help of a ventilator, 5 fewer than on Wednesday and 4 fewer than a week ago. →
Prosegue sul Corriere Canadese la pubblicazione degli articoli dedicati all’immigrazione italiana in Canada, che prendono spunto dalla storia degli oggetti che gli emigrati hanno portato con sé nel viaggio dal Belpaese alla nuova terra. L’iniziativa rientra nel progetto “Narrarsi altrove, viaggio tra i cimeli e i luoghi dell’anima” della poetessa Anna Ciardullo Villapiana e della docente Stella Paola, con la collaborazione di Gabriel Niccoli, professore emerito dell’Università di Waterloo e membro del consiglio di amministrazione dell’Italian-Canadian Archives Project (ICAP), network nazionale sotto i cui auspici opera il suddetto studio poetico.