Month: May 2022

Altalena Covid: i ricoveri tornano a salire in Ontario

TORONTO – Più decessi e più ricoveri: l’abbiamo spesso definita un’altalena, quella dei dati giornalieri sulla pandemia, e così è anche oggi: martedì l’Ontario ha confermato altri 11 decessi – che portano il totale in provincia, da inizio pandemia, a 13.083 – contro i 2 dell’altro ieri e 1.345 pazienti infetti, in netto aumento dai 1.122 delle 24 ore precedenti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Elections in Ontario: useless debate, Ford resists

TORONTO – Pandemic, education, health. It was with these issues that the liberal, NDP and Green Party leaders tried to put outgoing conservative Prime Minister Doug Ford with their backs to the wall during the debate ahead of the provincial vote on June 2. A debate, this, which was supposed to be a golden opportunity to convince the electorate that the Ford era in Queen’s Park had come to an end by overturning the polls that predict the victory of the Conservative Party. But NDP leader Andrea Horwath, Liberal leader Steven Del Duca and Green leader Mike Schreiner have failed to show that they are ready to lead the next government. 

No definitive winner in election debate

The only official debate in this election campaign gave Ontario’s four main party leaders the opportunity to discuss and debate their records. While the 90-minute debate (on May 16) did not solve any of the key issues in this election, it allowed those who tuned in the chance to better understand the direction of each party’s plan for the future of Ontario.