Day: 1 June 2022

Vaughan, Mayor Bevilacqua will not run for re-election

VAUGHAN – The mayor of Vaughan, Maurizio Bevilacqua, will not run again in the next municipal elections, next 24 October.

The news was announced by Bevilacqua himself, during a gala tonight in Vaughan, where the mayor also celebrated his birthday.

“The city is in good shape,” Bevilacqua told those who asked him the reason for his decision.


Candice Bergen: “Les Italiens et les Italo-Canadiens ont apporté une contribution incroyable au Canada”

OTTAWA – L’honorable Candice Bergen, cheffe du Parti conservateur du Canada et de l’Opposition officielle, a fait la déclaration suivante à propos du Mois du patrimoine italien: « En 1497, Giovanni Caboto, mieux connu des Canadiens sous le nom de John Cabot, a débarqué sur la côte est de l’Amérique du Nord, devenant ainsi le premier Italien à visiter ce qui est maintenant le Canada. Depuis le voyage emblématique de Cabot, les Italiens et les Italo-Canadiens ont apporté une contribution incroyable au Canada, l’aidant à devenir le pays fort qu’il est aujourd’hui ». 

Covid-19, another 24 deaths in Ontario. Active cases below 10 thousand

TORONTO – Another 24 deaths related to Covid-19, today, in Ontario: despite the reassurances of the experts who speak of a descent of the curve, a decrease in hospitalizations and infections, an improvement in the situation, the virus continues to claim victims, whether they died with Covid (and therefore for other pathologies, but with the virus giving the “coup de grace”) or due to Covid. The tragic toll of the pandemic in Ontario thus rises to 13,265. 

Un covo di vipere all’HCDSB

TORONTO – La mafia della cultura dell’annullamento ha preso il controllo del consiglio scolastico del distretto cattolico di Halton. Guardate il video della riunione speciale del consiglio, in due parti, del 24 maggio (per vederlo, cliccate qui) e giudicate da soli. Potreste arrivare alla stessa conclusione: sono odiatori, ipocriti per definizione, e il loro obiettivo è qualsiasi cosa cattolica… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>