TORONTO – “There is no, and there has not been, a ‘Covid-19 pandemic’ beyond and/or exceeding the consequences of the fall-out of the pre-Covid annual flu”. It is one of the considerations contained in the Statement of Claim (SoC) filed in Federal Court on May 30, by 600 plaintiffs who ask, each, $ 650,000 (for a total of nearly $ 400 million) in “damages from anti-Covid measures “. The defendants are the federal government of Canada, Prime Minister Trudeau, the Ministries Freeland, Alghabra, Mendicino, the medical director Theresa Tam and other members of the federal government. →
TORONTO – The school is not a place of greasers. This is in summary the result of a study conducted by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences during the provincial closure that began in December 2020. This closure was followed by a regionalized approach to the reopening of schools by the Ford government that lasted until January and February 2021.
TORONTO – More and more, it seems that there is an undercurrent of reaction against the incursions of the wokist ideology seeping its way into the society we had come to know. No-one can point to any specific, tangible document outlining its credo much less any accrued benefits previously unavailable before advocates of wokism emerged as the self-proclaimed conscience of contemporary society.
TORONTO – Another 11 victims related to Covid-19, today, in Ontario: the total number of deaths from pandemics in the province rises to 13,304. But the positivity rate still drops: today the Ontario analysis laboratories processed 11,234 tests detecting 1,013 cases, so the positivity rate drops to 6.4% compared to 7.2% yesterday and 8, 3% seven days ago. It is the lowest since last December 15, 2021, when it was at 6%. →
In linea di massima, il passato dovrebbe essere fisso e immutabile. Ora però una nuova scoperta archeologica di primaria importanza cambia tutte le carte in tavola. Recenti scavi a Karahan Tepe e (qui sopra) al sito di Gobekli Tepe, nella Turchia sudorientale, hanno portato alla luce tracce estese di un’elaborata civiltà che risalirebbe a 130 secoli fa. Sono tredicimila anni. La Grande Piramide di Giza fu costruita circa 4.500 anni fa, lo Stonehenge inglese ha 5mila anni e il complesso di tombe del Cairn de Barnenez, in Bretagna – solitamente considerata la più vecchia struttura articolata in Europa – dovrebbe risalire a ‘soli’ 7mila anni fa…