Day: 15 June 2022

Covid-19, another 8 deaths in Ontario. And the descent of the infections slows down

TORONTO – The virus does not give up. Today, in Ontario, another 8 deaths related to Covid-19, bringing the total in the province, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 13,351. Even the number of hospitalizations, like yesterday, is not very comforting: there are still 506 patients with the virus in Ontario hospitals, so the drop is slight (yesterday they were 512, a week ago 522) compared to two weeks ago when hospitalizations had dropped by 34.9%, from 808 to 526. Now it remains around 500, a sign that the descent has slowed down. 

Nota Design: Linda Lens

Gli Stati Uniti hanno avuto – probabilmente hanno ancora – un impatto anomalo sull’evoluzione sociale del mondo moderno. Il “melting pot” – il “crogiolo” – formato dalla massiccia immigrazione nel paese, mescolando e amalgamando praticamente tutte le culture del globo, ha “sciolto le briglie” alla popolazione, non solo permettendo ma obbligando trasformazioni nelle interazioni umane spesso nuove in un vasto territorio perlopiù sotto-popolato… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid e vaccino, milioni di canadesi accettano le teorie complottistiche

TORONTO – Il 9 ottobre 1970 il filosofo Leo Ferrari, lo scrittore Raymond Fraser e il poeta Alden Nowlan fondarono la Flat Earth Society of Canada (Società della Terra Piatta). L’intento era chiaramente provocatorio, come lo stesso Ferrari dichiarò in seguito: “La nuova era tecnologica si basa sull’assunto che la gente riponga una fede cieca sulle teoria accettate e allo stesso tempo respinga le prove che arrivano dai loro sensi”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

“I am sorry”: Toronto police chief on race-based data collection

TORONTO – Chief James Ramer’s apology for Toronto Police conduct toward the black community was in the air. The blacks, after all, were waiting for them. What was a discordant note, in our opinion, is the reaction of Beverly Bain of the No Pride in Policing Coalition. “Yes, your police officers are responsible for their racism – she said – you are guilty. Chief Ramer, we don’t accept your apology.”