TORONTO – I cristiani (in particolare i cattolici che praticano la loro fede in molti dei loro riti) sono numericamente i più perseguitati al mondo. Rappresentano il più grande gruppo demografico incline a cercare un rifugio dal loro suolo natale…
TORONTO – Non una ma quattro sparatorie hanno insanguinato Brampton, Etobicoke, Mississauga e Newtonville, appena a nord di Oshawa. Sei i morti e altrettanti i feriti della violenza armata del fine settimana…
TORONTO – Not one but four shootings bloodied Brampton, Etobicoke, Mississauga and Newtonville, just north of Oshawa. Four were killed and five wounded in the armed violence of the weekend.
Christians (in particular Catholics practicing their faith in several of their Rites) are numerically the most persecuted in the world. They represent the largest demographic prone to seek refuge from their native soil.
There are few safe spaces for them when military turmoil, religious intolerance, caste systems or political upheaval upsets the delicate balance of social peace. The results are common: assault, sexual assault, extra-judicial killings, murder, pillaging etcetera.
TORONTO – Almost 2.4 million people are in limbo: they are citizens from all over the world waiting for answers to immigrate to Canada. The backlog in the offices of the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) is mammoth and biblical times are expected for every type of application, from temporary or permanent residence to citizenship. →