Day: 13 July 2022

Covid-19, Ontario expands eligibility for fourth vaccine dose but epidemiologists are divided

TORONTO – Like Europe, Ontario also opens the vaccination campaign for the fourth dose, but expanding the audience: all adults aged 18 and over (in Italy, the administration of the fourth dose will currently concern people over 60 and fragile). It was announced today by Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, who underlined that the campaign will start immediately: it will be possible to book an appointment using the provincial health system starting from tomorrow, July 14, at 8am for all those who received the third dose five months ago or contracted the virus three months ago. 

Cosa sta succedendo a Brampton?

TORONTO – Mi vengono in mente le immagini di una “sparatoria all’OK Corral”. Per i seguaci della tradizione e della leggenda del Wild West americano in cui una banda di teppisti ha regolato i propri conti con un’altra fuori da un fienile attraverso l’uso abile di armi da fuoco piuttosto che con il dibattito in un tribunale. Il modo americano. O l’usanza inglese a’ la Guerra delle Due Rose. O i gangster americani che si spartiscono territori nei centri urbani… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>