Month: July 2022

Nothing can satisfy anti-catholics

TORONTO – This penitential pilgrimage of the Pontifex Maximus, Pope Francis, is, for me, a classic example of an event grounded in the concept of wanting to “do what is right”. It manifests itself in the supreme patience of a very old man, personally suffering physical pain, assuming the weight of the harms (real and perceived) foisted on others by elements in the Church he leads in an era with which he had no personal attachment. 

Covid-19, Ontario starts vaccinations for children between 6 months and 5 years old

TORONTO – Today the Province of Ontario opened reservations for anti-Covid vaccines to infants and preschool children: the appointments – for children aged between six months and less than five years – are therefore available through the portal on line of the province and many parents breathed a sigh of relief, like those interviewed by the CBC. Like Sapphire Miller, mother of two children aged 15 months and four: “I am happy to offer my children extra protection,” she said. 

Claudio e la sua teglia da riempire di ricordi

Prosegue sul Corriere Canadese la pubblicazione degli articoli dedicati all’immigrazione italiana in Canada, che prendono spunto dalla storia degli oggetti che gli emigrati hanno portato con sé nel viaggio dal Belpaese alla nuova terra. L’iniziativa rientra nel progetto “Narrarsi altrove, viaggio tra i cimeli e i luoghi dell’anima” della poetessa Anna Ciardullo Villapiana e della docente Stella Paola, con la collaborazione di Gabriel Niccoli, professore emerito dell’Università di Waterloo e membro del consiglio di amministrazione dell’Italian-Canadian Archives Project (ICAP), network nazionale sotto i cui auspici opera il suddetto studio poetico…