TORONTO – That Canada’s healthcare system is limping more and more is nothing new. In addition to the backlog of surgical interventions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, waits in hospital emergency rooms now reach up to 14 hours and it also happens that many are temporarily closed for lack of doctors and nurses.
TORONTO – Last week, Corriere Canadese interviewed five York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) trustees: Rose Cantisano, Dino Giuliani, Maria Iafrate, Maria Marchese and Domenic Mazzotta. All of them of Italian background, although only one was born outside of Canada. They had had enough of the not-so-subtle, often overt, discrimination to which they were being subjected because of their “ethnicity”.
TORONTO – More than half of Canadians can’t keep up with the cost of living and gets into debt to meet ordinary expenses: rent, food, gasoline. An alarming situation, to say the least, photographed by the Angus Reid Institute through a research conducted online from 8 to 10 August 2022 on a sample of 2,279 Canadian adults. →
TORONTO – Girata la clessidra, è iniziato il conto alla rovescia verso il voto amministrativo del 24 ottobre in Ontario. Venerdì scorso è scaduto il termine ultimo per la presentazione delle candidature alle cariche di sindaco, consigliere comunale e fiduciario nei provveditorati pubblici della provincia. A parte qualche caso sporadico, non ci sono stati colpi di scena dell’ultimo minuto…