TORONTO – Due seggi per la Camera dei Deputati, uno per il Senato, con 437.802 elettori aventi diritto. Parte la corsa elettorale nella circoscrizione estera, ripartizione Nord e Centro America, in vista del voto del 25 settembre. Un’elezione spartiacque, quella di quest’anno, perché per la prima volta si applicherà la riforma costituzionale che ha tagliato il numero di deputati e di senatori: a Montecitorio si passa da 630 a 400 rappresentanti, a Palazzo Madama da 315 a 200…
TORONTO – For a while, it seemed that many local political office holders (incumbents) were going to get another free ride, that is, be uncontested. Then, like mushrooms after a rainstorm, names of candidates at the Registration desk sprouted as if from nowhere. We may not hear from them or know what they represent until election day… maybe. Local elections are notorious for the low voter turn-out. Since John Tory lulled everyone to sleep, thus eliminating any competition and attraction for “the top job”, what will incent citizens to exercise their civic duty to vote?
TORONTO – University you go, policy you find. As for the vaccination obligation against Covid-19, each university or college in view of the reopening in September has defined its own guidelines.