TORONTO – Ontario Officer of Health Kieran Moore to eliminate the five-day isolation obligation for people who test positive for Covid, has sparked controversy to no end.
TORONTO – The TCDSB Student Achievement and Well being, Catholic Education and Human Resources Committee received some annual reports “for the information of the Board of Trustees,” Thursday evening at 7:00 PM. The Committee’s title is a mouthful. The reports, not so much. They are reminiscent of a textbook critique and criticism of Ontario’s failing “progressive” educational system (woke of the era) from three generations ago: So Little for the Mind, 1953, by Hilda Neatby.
TORONTO – When inflation is running wild, there is the risk of “greedflation”: some companies, that is, could take advantage of the situation to make higher profits. It is not known if this is the case of the large Canadian food companies: it is certain that some of them have seen their profits increase right in the middle of a crisis that, instead, is bringing families to their knees. →
Prosegue sul Corriere Canadese la pubblicazione degli articoli dedicati all’immigrazione italiana in Canada, che prendono spunto dalla storia degli oggetti che gli emigrati hanno portato con sé nel viaggio dal Belpaese alla nuova terra. L’iniziativa rientra nel progetto “Narrarsi altrove, viaggio tra i cimeli e i luoghi dell’anima” della poetessa Anna Ciardullo Villapiana e della docente Stella Paola, con la collaborazione di Gabriel Niccoli, professore emerito dell’Università di Waterloo e membro del consiglio di amministrazione dell’Italian-Canadian Archives Project (ICAP), network nazionale sotto i cui auspici opera il suddetto studio poetico…