Day: 13 September 2022

Killing spree in GTA: two dead (a policeman) and three injured

TORONTO – What happened on Monday in the GTA seems to have come out of Quentin Tarantino’s imagination but, unfortunately, it is not a movie: a gunman entered a Tim Hortons in Mississauga, killed a policeman who was having lunch with his colleagues and then he fled to Milton where he went inside a body shop, killing one person and wounding three others, ending up killed in a firefight with the police. 

Bill 124, sindacati e governo si sfidano in Corte

TORONTO – La sfida è ora di fronte alla Superior Court of Justice dove ieri sono iniziate le udienze per il controverso Bill 124, la legge approvata nel 2019 che limita gli aumenti salariali all’uno per cento all’anno per i dipendenti del servizio pubblico dell’Ontario e per i lavoratori del settore pubblico in generale, inclusi infermieri e insegnanti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>