TORONTO – No surprises. An overwhelming 96.5% of members of the Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) voted in favor of a strike. This was stated today during a conference in Queen’s Park, the president of the union representing guardians, early childhood educators and school administrative staff Laura Walton. Now, Walton said, the negotiating team can return to the negotiating table “with a clear indication of the level of member support for cupe’s proposals.”
TORONTO – A finale shock: exiting the scene, the Covid-19 Science Advisory Table – set up to deal with the pandemic and dissolved in September – painted a gloomy picture of the state of health in Ontario. Unequal distribution of access to primary care throughout the province, lack of data and serious general communication problems, inability to contact family doctors, exhausted health personnel. A disaster, in short. →
TORONTO – One listens to radio, I imagine, for background [sometimes relaxing] noise. Occasionally, the radio personality and the production team behind the program on air strike a chord. Recently, on my drive in to work, the host of Radio 1010 expressed incredulity at the system’s response to the Oakville teacher who made gigantic prosthetic mammary glands famous by wearing them to a shop class.
TORONTO – Il Canada per ora non si trova in recessione, ma si stanno creando tutte le condizioni per una crisi economica nel prossimo anno. Ne sono convinti numerosi analisti economici che hanno sottolineato come anche buona parte degli indicatori prefigurino una recessione nel nostro Paese che potrebbe iniziare alla fine del 2022 e durare alcuni mesi nel 2023…